WPC 涼亭
討論 WPC 涼亭尺寸和外觀風格的限制
塑木涼亭尺寸與外觀風格的約束因素討論 塑木涼亭(WPC gazebo)作為一種戶外景觀休閒涼亭,是一個新的品種。以往的涼亭有很多種類,如以實木為主的景觀涼亭、以石材為主要構件的古建涼亭以及...
WPC 涼亭-戶外花園造景的傑出之美
WPC 涼亭-戶外園林造景的傑出之美。 在風景秀麗的公園裡、湖畔涼亭旁、田園村落旁,我們總會看到大大小小的仿古涼亭,供人們休憩或乘涼。
Screw selection requirements when installing a WPC gazebo or WPC pergola As we all know, ninety-nine percent of plastic wood projects such as plastic wood pavilions, plastic wood grape trellises, or plastic wood railings are used outdoors. The outdoor environment is different from the indoor environment. Wind and weather conditions need to be considered. When…