recycled plastic wood decking

Recycled plastic wood decking Recycled plastic wood decking: A new choice for green and environmental protection, leading the new trend of circular economy With the continuous improvement of my country’s environmental awareness, more and more green and environmentally friendly products have entered the public’s field of vision. As a new type of environmentally friendly flooring…

Recycled plastic wood decking

Recycled plastic wood decking: A new choice for green and environmental protection, leading the new trend of circular economy

With the continuous improvement of my country’s environmental awareness, more and more green and environmentally friendly products have entered the public’s field of vision. As a new type of environmentally friendly flooring material, recycled plastic wood decking has been loved by more and more consumers for its excellent environmental performance and recycling characteristics. This article will introduce in detail the environmental advantages of recycled plastic wood decking and its important role in the circular economy.

1. Environmental performance of recycled plastic wood decking

1. Environmental protection of raw materials

The raw materials of recycled plastic wood decking mainly come from discarded plastics and sawdust. These raw materials are recombined into new flooring materials after special processing. Compared with traditional wooden floors and plastic floors, recycled plastic wood decking has obvious environmental advantages in terms of raw materials.

2. Environmental protection of production process

The production process of recycled plastic wood decking adopts high temperature, high pressure and pollution-free process, which avoids the emission of harmful substances generated in the production process of traditional floors. At the same time, the waste generated in the production process can be recycled and reused, which greatly reduces the waste of resources.

3. Long service life

Recycled plastic wood decking has a long service life, generally more than 20 years. After the service life of the floor expires, it can be recycled again to achieve resource recycling.

2. Recycling characteristics of recycled plastic wood decking

1. Recycling of waste plastics

The raw materials of recycled plastic wood decking contain a large amount of waste plastics, which can be reused in the production of flooring after recycling. This not only reduces the emission of plastic waste, but also reduces the waste of plastic resources.

2. Recycling of wood chips

The raw materials of recycled plastic wood decking also contain a certain proportion of wood chips. These wood chips can also be recycled and used to produce new flooring or other wooden products. This helps to reduce the consumption of wood resources and protect forest resources.

3. Recycling of flooring

After the service life of recycled plastic wood decking expires, it can be disassembled, recycled, and reused in the production of new flooring. This recycling method not only reduces resource waste, but also reduces environmental pollution.

3. The important role of recycled plastic wood decking in the circular economy

1. Promote the development of circular economy

The production and application of recycled plastic wood decking will help promote the development of circular economy in my country. By recycling waste plastics and wood chips, resources are recycled and waste of resources is reduced.

2. Reduce environmental pollution

The production and application of recycled plastic wood decking will help reduce environmental pollution. In the production process, the emission of harmful substances is reduced; in the use process, the frequency of floor replacement is reduced, and environmental pollution is reduced.

3. Improve the green living standard

The popularity of recycled plastic wood decking will help improve the green living standard in my country. When consumers choose flooring, they pay more attention to environmental protection performance, thereby promoting the popularization of green consumption concepts.

In short, recycled plastic wood decking has become a new choice for green environmental protection with its excellent environmental protection performance and recycling characteristics. In the future development, recycled plastic wood decking will continue to lead the new trend of circular economy and make greater contributions to my country’s environmental protection cause.

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