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Is Woodedtech WPC decking scratch resistant?

Is Woodedtech WPC decking scratch resistant? No! Woodedtech WPC decking looks like natural timber, feels like natural timber, and scratches like natural timber! Woodedtech WPC decking can show scuffs and scratches, especially when new, and especially on the “sanded surface”. By rubbing on light decking oil with a clean rag the marks will be less…

Is Woodedtech WPC decking scratch resistant?

No! Woodedtech WPC decking looks like natural timber, feels like natural timber, and scratches like natural timber!

Woodedtech WPC decking can show scuffs and scratches, especially when new, and especially on the “sanded surface”.

By rubbing on light decking oil with a clean rag the marks will be less noticeable. Exposure to the weather will see the board fade to its natural colour, thus hiding scuff and scratch marks.

It is strongly recommended that all furniture on a Woodedtech WPC decking has protective feet e.g. rubber stoppers applied to the legs to help prevent scuffing or scratching of the deck surface.

Woodedtech WPC decking‘s latest product, the co-extrusion series, no longer has this problem. This is because the co-extrusion series products use functional coatings, so there is a great improvement in scratch resistance.

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