composite deck gallery

Through the analysis of the above cases, we can see that whether in public parks or commercial spaces, composite deck can provide effective solutions to meet different design and application needs. ..
These successful examples undoubtedly provide us with rich inspiration and references, helping us to better understand and use this material to create outdoor spaces that are both beautiful and practical.

composite deck gallery

In contemporary outdoor landscape design, composite deck has become the first choice because of its environmental protection, durability and easy maintenance.

By appreciating several successful engineering cases, we can deeply understand the application and advantages of composite deck.

Let’s take a look at the design of Sanya Citizens Orchard Park in Hainan. The scheme was proposed by Beijing Turen Design. With the concept of “sponge city”, it uses concrete cement pier foundation to effectively intercept rainwater and reduce urban flood control pressure.

The biggest difficulty in construction is to deal with arc cross slopes, which requires precise calculation and construction technology.

This case not only shows the application of composite deck in complex terrain, but also reflects its design concept of symbiosis with the environment.

Another example is the composite deck laying project of Shanghai Zhongshan Park, which uses 150*30 plastic wood three-arch flooring. This design can not only meet the use needs of large traffic groups, but also has a good decorative effect. ..

Especially at the end of the floor, different forms of edge sealing are used to enhance the overall visual effect and use function.

Wuhan Aoshan Century City is another project worth paying attention to.

The roof garden of Aoshan Century City, located at the intersection of Heping Avenue and Erqi Bridge in Wuhan, covers an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters.

This project includes facilities such as plastic wood pavilions, pergolas, platforms, plank roads and various railings.

By using 140*140 plastic wood column cross-section lattices with decorative beautification, it not only meets practical functions but also enhances aesthetics.

The roof garden project of the Peninsula Hotel in Shanghai cleverly combines traditional elements with modern materials and uses curved pergolas to increase the creativity of the design.

This design technique not only demonstrates the high customizability of composite deck, but also optimizes the design according to different environmental atmospheres. .

Through the analysis of the above cases, we can see that whether in public parks or commercial spaces, composite deck can provide effective solutions to meet different design and application needs. ..

These successful examples undoubtedly provide us with rich inspiration and references, helping us to better understand and use this material to create outdoor spaces that are both beautiful and practical.

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