
composite deck gallery

composite deck gallery

Through the analysis of the above cases, we can see that whether in public parks or commercial spaces, composite deck can provide effective solutions to meet different design and application needs. ..
These successful examples undoubtedly provide us with rich inspiration and references, helping us to better understand and use this material to create outdoor spaces that are both beautiful and practical.

composite decking 90mm wide

composite decking 90mm wide

Composite decking 90mm wide gives people a sense of balance both visually and practically due to its moderate size.
It is neither too slender like narrow boards nor clumsy like wide boards.
In terms of spatial layout, the 90mm width can better adapt to rooms of various sizes, whether it is a spacious living room or a compact balcony, it can show a harmonious effect.
From the perspective of materials, composite decking is loved by more and more people for its environmental protection and durability.
And the 90mm width board is easier to maintain the stability of the material during the production process, reducing the deformation or cracking caused by excessive size.

composite decking expansion issues

composite decking expansion issues

However, in actual use, it is not impeccable and there are some potential problems.
For example, thermal expansion and contraction may cause the floor to deform or crack; it will fade and age under long-term ultraviolet radiation; it is easy to slip after rain; its environmental protection is also questioned due to its non-degradable plastic components; improper installation and maintenance will also shorten its life.

composite wood decking around pool

composite wood decking around pool

We need to understand the special requirements of poolside flooring.
This area is often exposed to water, and the slippery environment poses a higher challenge to safety.
At the same time, due to long-term exposure to the outdoors, the flooring material also needs to be able to resist UV radiation, temperature changes and chemical erosion.
These factors all point to a need: to find a material that is both safe and durable.